Reasons To Visit Torch Lake

Torch Lake, located in Northern Michigan, is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. With crystal clear blue waters, a sandy shoreline, and stunning views of the surrounding landscapes, Torch Lake offers visitors a one-of-a-kind experience. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a bit of both, this lake has something for everyone. From water sports and fishing to hiking and exploring charming nearby towns, here are just a few reasons why you should plan a trip to Torch Lake.

Facts About Torch Lake

  1. Torch Lake is Michigan’s second-largest inland lake, with a surface area of about 18 square miles.
  2. The lake is known for its crystal-clear blue waters, which are a result of its limestone-based bottom.
  3. Torch Lake is over 200 feet deep in some areas, making it one of the deepest lakes in the state.
  4. The lake is a popular destination for water sports, including boating, kayaking, paddleboarding, and fishing.
  5. Torch Lake is part of a chain of lakes in the area that includes Elk Lake, Lake Skegemog, and Lake Bellaire.

A Beautiful Lake

Not only is Torch Lake one of the most breathtaking lakes in Northern Michigan, but it has also earned the title of the third most beautiful lake in the world by National Geographic. The lake’s crystal-clear waters, comparable to those of the Caribbean, justify this recognition. For various reasons, this Michigan lake has become a popular weekend destination for families and friends. Visitors can enjoy swimming in the blue-green waters, kayaking, or setting up a beach tent. With so many fun and exciting activities available, there is no shortage of things to do in and around this stunning lake.

The Sandbar

Torch Lake in Michigan is renowned for more than just its striking turquoise waters; it is also famous for its two-mile sandbar. This shallow area, located at the south end of the lake, attracts a multitude of colorful boats and tourists during the summer months and is a popular spot for lively parties. The Fourth of July celebrations held at the Torch Lake Sandbar are eagerly anticipated and often get wild, with both visitors and locals basking in the sun all day long. The festivities culminate in a spectacular fireworks display. In addition to partying, the sandbar is an excellent starting point for water sports such as boating and water skiing. As the water depth falls steeply from the sandbar, the water transforms into a stunning deep blue.

Public Access Points

Can the public access Torch Lake in Michigan? Despite its stunning beauty and fame, Torch Lake is easily accessible to the general public. This gem of a lake can be enjoyed by anyone! There are 48 public access points along its 41-mile shoreline, mostly located at street ends. Whether you’re traveling from Forest Home Township or Eastport in Antrim County, reaching the lake is simple. However, it’s advisable to bring a pair of water shoes since many of these access points can be quite rocky. Meanwhile, boating enthusiasts can use several nearby boat launch ramps around the lake, such as those situated on the south side of Eastport.

You can see more of my travelling content here!

If you want to see my lake content in real time, we’re heading to Torch Lake on the 19th of May and I’ll be sharing everything on my Instagram.

Love, Bee xxx

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