Addiction Facts and Figures

Drug abuse and addiction are significant public health concerns in the United States. To grasp the magnitude of these issues, it is important to examine data and statistics. Various numbers demonstrate the extent of drug use and alcohol addiction in the U.S.

General Statistics

The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS) reports that close to half of individuals aged 12 and older in the United States have used an illegal drug at least once.

The following are facts and statistics that highlight the prevalence of substance abuse and addiction:

  • Approximately 1 million people have died from drug overdose since 2000.
  • As of 2020, more than 37 million individuals aged 12 and older were using illegal drugs.
  • Approximately 13.5% of Americans aged 12 and older have used drugs in the past month.
  • Approximately one quarter of individuals who use illegal drugs struggle with dependency or addiction.
  • Approximately 20% of the 140 million people aged 12 and older who consume alcohol struggle with alcohol abuse or addiction.
  • Annually, drug abuse and addiction in the United States results in over $700 billion in costs, including expenses for healthcare, crime-related expenses, and decreased productivity in the workplace.
  • Studies indicate that about half of individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental illness will also experience substance abuse at some point in their lives, and similarly, about half of individuals who struggle with substance abuse will also be diagnosed with a mental illness.

Types of Drugs

In the United States, the most frequently abused substances include alcohol, prescription drugs, cocaine, marijuana, and heroin.

Here are some statistics from 2020 regarding substance abuse among individuals aged 12 and older:

  • Approximately 50 million people used marijuana, making it the most commonly used illegal drug despite its legalization in certain states.
  • Approximately 3.7% of Americans misused central nervous system stimulants within the past 12 months.
  • Out of the approximately 10.3 million individuals who misused central nervous system stimulants (CNS), about 32% only used cocaine, about 32% only used prescription stimulants, and about 12% only used methamphetamine.
  • Approximately 9.5 million people misused opioids, with nearly 98% of them choosing prescription painkillers as their opioid of choice.
  • Approximately 2.7 million people have an opioid addiction.
  • Approximately 28.3 million people had some form of alcohol use disorder.

The Opioid Crisis

The United States is currently dealing with a significant opioid crisis, with 2.1 million Americans reported to have opioid use disorder. Studies indicate that up to 30% of individuals who take prescription opioids misuse them by taking a higher dose than prescribed in one sitting or taking them to achieve a feeling of euphoria.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also states that there has been an increase in heroin use over the past 20 years.

Drug Abuse By Race

Substance abuse and addiction have different impacts on different people and cultures. Factors such as a person’s upbringing, cultural background, and environment can play a significant role in the development of substance abuse issues.


  • In 2018, 7.7% of all people aged 12 and older who identified as Caucasian had a substance abuse issue.
  • In 2018, opioid overdose resulted in the deaths of 35,000 people who identified as Caucasian.
  • According to a survey, 20.2% of all people aged 12 and older who identified as Caucasian reported using illicit drugs, and 67% of them reported drinking alcohol.


  • In 2018, nearly 7% of all people aged 12 and older who identified as African American had a substance abuse or addiction issue.
  • According to a survey, 20.8% of all people aged 12 and older who identified as African American reported using an illicit substance, and nearly 60% of them reported drinking alcohol.
  • Despite these high numbers, close to 90% of African Americans who suffer from addiction don’t seek out or receive treatment


  • In 2018, 7.1% of all people aged 12 and older who identified as Hispanic had a substance abuse disorder.
  • According to a survey, nearly 60% of all people aged 12 and older who identified as Hispanic reported drinking alcohol, and 17.1% of them reported using an illicit substance.


  • In 2018, 4.8% of all people aged 12 and older who identified as Asian American had a substance abuse or addiction issue.
  • According to a survey, 53.6% of all people aged 12 and older who identified as Asian American reported drinking alcohol, and 11.2% of them reported using an illicit drug.

Native American

  • In 2018, Native Americans 12 and older had the highest rate of addiction among all ethnicities, with 10.1% suffering from it.
  • According to reports, 55% of Native Americans 12 and older have used alcohol, and 18.5% have used an illicit substance.


Drug abuse and addiction can be influenced not only by a person’s ethnic and cultural background, but also by their gender.

Men vs Women

  • 22% of males have reported using drugs in the past year compared to 17% of females
  • Marijuana was the most popular drug among both men and women, with 18.5% of males and 13.5% of females reporting use.
  • Heroin was the least popular drug among both men and women, with 0.5% of men and more than 2% of women reporting abuse.
  • Illicit substance use is more likely to occur with an intimate partner among women, while men are more likely to use these substances with friends.
  • Women constitute only about 20% of the total number of people receiving drug treatment.

Overdose Deaths

Over 96,000 people die from drug overdose annually. Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this already high number.

Here are some additional facts and statistics regarding overdose deaths:

  • Opioids are responsible for seven out of every ten overdose deaths.
  • In 2020, the number of overdose deaths in the U.S. rose by 29.6%.
  • As of January 2021, drug overdose deaths exceeded homicides by 306.7%.
  • Men are more than twice as likely to die from a drug overdose than women.
  • West Virginia has the highest rate of drug overdose deaths per capita among all states.

Illicit Drug Use in the past year among Americans in 2019

  • 48.2 million Americans used marijuana.
  • 9.7 million Americans misused prescription opioids.
  • 6 million Americans used hallucinogens.
  • 5.9 million Americans misused prescription tranquilizers or sedatives.
  • 5.5 million Americans used cocaine.
  • 4.9 million Americans misused prescription stimulants.
  • 2.1 million Americans used inhalants.
  • 2 million Americans used methamphetamine.
  • 745,000 Americans used heroin.

Past Year Substance Use Disorders among Americans in 2019

  • 14.5 million Americans had an alcohol use disorder.
  • 8.3 million Americans had an illicit drug use disorder.
  • 4.8 million Americans had marijuana use disorder.
  • 1.4 million Americans had an opioids use disorder.
  • 1 million Americans had an methamphetamine use disorder.
  • 1 million Americans had an Cocaine use disorder.
  • 558,000 Americans had an stimulant use disorder.
  • 438,000 Americans had an heroin use disorder.
Source: Addiction Help

Addiction is a huge part of society in the United States and we need better help.

Love, Bee xx

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