The Christmas Tag

Hey, my lovelies! Day five of Blogmas out of thirty-one day’s. I am going pretty easy on the reading today as Blogmas is all about Christmas, Fun, Life and New Years. I have done this tag every year that I’ve been blogging. The questions always change a bit and it excites me. This is The Christmas Tag 2022 Edition! Feel free to answer these questions on your own blog.

How Do You Celebrate Christmas?

When I was back in Ireland; we used to have Christmas Day at our own house and the day after (St Stephen’s Day) was at my Grandma and Granddad’s house with all the aunts, uncles and cousins. Now since I’m in Michigan with my husband; we haven’t decided on traditions etc yet.

How Are You Spending Christmas?

As of right now, I have no clue. We’re most likely just going to relax at home and have a big dinner. It’ll be us, Moose (our dog), my Mother in Law and Father in Law.

What’s Your Most Memorable Christmas Memory?

It would have to be when we went to Lap Land when I was really young.

What’s Your Favorite Christmas Movie and Song?

My favorite two Christmas Movies are Elf and Home Alone. My favorite two Christmas Songs are Fairy Tale of New York and Baby It’s Cold Outside.

What Are Your Christmas Eve Traditions?

We have a few that I’ll be doing with my husband this year. It includes matching pajama’s, Christmas Eve Boxes and a movie before we go to bed.

Do You Like Eggnog?

No I do not.

Have You Ever Built A Snowman?

Yes I have. Now I’m living in Michigan and we get snow nearly all Winter, I’ll be building a snowman all Winter.

Do You Open Any Presents on Christmas Eve?

We only open our Christmas Eve Boxes on Christmas Eve.

Is Your Christmas Tree Real or Fake?

At the minute we have a fake one because we live in a one bedroom apartment that isn’t even big enough for one person. When we get our own house that’s bigger and we’ll get a real tree as the smell is amazing.

What’s Your Dream Place To Go To For Christmas?

I would love to go to Bondi Beach in Australia or Germany.

What’s Your Favorite Christmas Scent?

I love Cinnamon and Apple scented candles during the Holiday Season.

Love, Bee xx

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