Moving To USA Checklist

The American Dream is a real thing and people are still moving over to the United States. I did it a way that most people don’t do. I will be covering the proper checklist to follow for moving over the pond! I will go into my story more in detail in the future. I will be covering everything and anything that you should and or could do depending on your circumstances. This is the Moving To USA Checklist! Everything listed here is after the whole Green Card or Visa Process.

Before You Move

No matter what, the move to the United States of America has to be planned and well thought out because ninety-nine percent of the time – you’ll be moving thousands of miles. There is so much stuff that you need to do before you move.

Find a House or Apartment

If you have no family members or friends to stay with when you first travel over. You need to find suitable housing or temporary accommodation a couple of months or weeks before coming to the United States. Have a look online or even hire a real estate agent if you feel like you don’t have time. If your not sure on where you want to live, find some month to month rentals.

Parting with Belonging’s

In the long run, you can’t bring everything over to the States with you. You will need to decide on what your bringing and what you can get when you move over. You need to have a set plan on how your going to get all of your belongings over to the United States whether it’s sea, plane or mail. Depending on where you come from, most of the outlets will be different than what your appliances, electronics etc have.
America may not be the place for you and if you think that’s going to be the case, put all the belongings that your not moving over into a storage unit for a couple of weeks or months. If you do decide to stay, you can have someone sell the stuff for you.

Pets and Animals

Yes you can bring over your furry friends with you. You need to take enough time to prepare for the transportation and to comply with all the entry requirements. Small dogs and cats will normally be transported in the carrier with you and then with larger animals and dogs, they will be put into the cargo hold. I can’t give you exact weights or heights due to the airlines having different specifications.

Each State has different entry requirements which can be less or more strict. You will need the following:

  • A health certificate that is issued by a veterinarian that’s not older than 30 days.
  • An Entry Permit (Veterinary Services VS Form 17-129).
  • A rabies vaccination that is administered at least 30 days from arrival and no later than a year).
  • Depending on the species: you may need permits.

Some states may have mandatory vaccinations for cats. An examination by a veterinarian may be required upon entry to the United States. All can be found on the US Fish and Wildlife and the CDC website.

Get Organized

Here are some tasks that should be done before you leave the country you’re currently living in.

  • Check how long is left on your passport.
    • Apply for a new one if you need too.
  • If your documents are not in English, get them translated.
  • De-register with Civil Registration Office in your current country.
  • Inform whoever you need too about you moving out of the country.
  • Cancel all contracts and subscriptions.
    • This includes electricty, gas, phone and internet.
    • Subscriptions are whatever you won’t be using in the United States.
  • Forward your mail to your new address or a family members house.
  • Take out health insurance in the United States as medical care isn’t cheap over here.
  • Take out travel insurance for as long as you need it.
  • Book the flights.

Documents For Travelling

This is the time to check off that you have all the documents that are needed for you to travel and enter into the United States. You will need a lot of important documents when you enter into the United States. All of the following documents belong in your hand luggage.

  • ID Card.
  • Passport.
  • Green Card or Visa (depending on how your entering).
  • Drivers License.
  • Birth Certificates (Certified Translated if not in English).
  • School and Work Certificates (Certified Translated if not in English).
  • International Vaccination Certificates and other medical documents.
  • Insurance Documents.
  • Proof of Existing Accounts in home country.
  • Tax returns and any other financial information.
  • Marriage and/or Divorce Certificate.
  • All Pet documents.

Luggage Checklist

Let me tell you something, the American Boarder Patrol are some of the most strictest boarder patrol I have been past. You need to avoid problems when you arrive into the United States. Some products can be brought into the country duty free and a few examples are:

  • Money/Cash: Includes traveler checks and bonds are up to $10,000 are duty free and not taxed.
  • Alcohol: One liter per adult 21 years or older is duty free and not taxed.
  • Chocolate with Liquor: Transport in original packaging allowed in checked luggage only.
  • Tobacco: 200 cigarettes, 100 cigarillos, 50 cigars or 250 grams of loose tobacco per adult is duty free and not taxed.
  • Prescription Drugs: You need to transport these in original packaging with medical documents translated in English.
    • Needs to be declared.

The states have a strict import ban on a number of products. These include the following:

  • Fully and Automatic Weapons.
  • Knives.
  • Illegal Drugs.
  • Porn.
  • Counterfeit Branded Products.
  • Products from Endarged Species.
  • Plant Seeds.
  • Meat and meat products, fish, cheese, milk, eggs and kinder eggs.
  • Products from countries on the current US Embargo List.

This post covers everything you need to do and know before you moving to the United States. I will be doing another post on what you need to do once you get here.
If you have any questions or anything, please leave a comment below or get a hold of me on any of my socials.
Love, Bee xx

One thought on “Moving To USA Checklist

  1. Super moving tips all around. My wife and I became fully nomadic years ago. Letting go our things-stuff felt scary at first but now it seems amazingly freeing to travel all over the world at the drop of a hat. Grab our carry-ons, backpacks and we can go to Fiji tomorrow if we want LOL.

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