How To Handle The Snowy Weather

We’ve been in a warning for a Winter Storm from Thursday evening till Saturday. Lansing in Michigan is due ten plus inches of snow over the next few days. I don’t handle the cold very well and I rarely I want to be outside. With the temperatures going down as far as minus seventeen degrees Celsius, I don’t know how I’m going to handle myself. This is How To Handle The Snowy Weather.

Driving Tips For Cold Weather and Snow

Cold Weather

  • You should keep a bundle of cold weather clothes in your car which includes extra food, warm water, a flash light, warm clothing, blankets and an ice scaper.
  • Make sure all your tires are topped up on air and has enough thread.
  • You need to try to keep at least half a tank of gas in your car at all times.
  • Do not use cruise control if it’s icy and cold out – it is slippery!
  • Do not warm up a car in an enclosed area.

In The Snow

Stay home and only go outside if it’s absolutely necessary. No matter how good you drive, the roads can be extremely dangerous.
Lower the speed you normally drive some where. You have lower traction when driving on snow.
You need to increase your following distance to five to six seconds. The increased area will provide the longer distance when you need to stop.
Credit : AAA Exchange for these tips.

Your Home

Staying inside during Winter isn’t something that we all can do as people have lives but you can take precautions to Winterize your home.

  • You need to Winterize your home if it isn’t done already.
    • You can install weather stripping, storm windows and insulation.
    • Insulate all your water lines that run outside the house that are liable to freeze.
    • Clean out all of your gutters and check your roof for an leaks.
  • Heating Systems
    • Make sure you have your heating system serviced by a professional to make sure that it is working, clean and ventilated to the outside of the house.
    • Inspect your fireplace and chimney, clean them both also.
    • Have a second source of heat and fuel if anything was to happen.
  • If you don’t have working smoke detectors, install one in every bedroom, outside every sleeping area in the house, and one on every level of the house. Don’t forget to put one in the basement too. Check out all the batteries and test run them to make sure it’s all working.
  • Carbon Monoxide (CO)
    • You can install a battery operated or battery back-up CO detector to alert you of an Carbon Monoxide in the air. It is a colorless, odorless and deadly gas. Check and change the battery when you change the clocks in Spring and Autumn.
    • The symptoms of CO Poisoning includes
      • Headache and Dizziness.
      • Weakness and Upset Stomach.
      • Vomiting, Chest Pain and Confusion.


  • Stock up on food that needs no cooking or refrigeration, and also have water stored in bottles.
  • Ensure all your electronics are charged up.
  • When your planning your travel during a winter storm etc, make sure you know what the weather and road conditions are going to be.
  • Keep an up to date emergency kit.
    • Battery operated devices: a flashlight, weather radio and lamps.
    • Extra Batteries.
    • First Aid Kit and Extra Medication.
    • Baby Items.
    • Cat Litter and Salt for the ice.
  • Protect your family from the silent killer Carbon Monoxide.
    • Keep all grills, camp stoves, and generators out from your house, basement and even your garage.
    • Locate your generator twenty feet away from your house.
    • Leave your home if your Carbon Monoxide alarm goes off and call 911.

Credit: CDC


We all know a lot of viral and bacterial infections go around during the winter like a rampant rabbit. These include the Flu, Coronavirus, RSV and a lot more. Staying healthy during Winter can be one of the most hardest things to do. I’ve been sick three to four times so far this Winter.

The Flu Shot

I’m not going to go into vaccines on this post but every year most health departments give out the flu vaccine for free. The CDC recommends that anyone over the age of six months old gets the yearly flu vaccine to decrease the hospital numbers and deaths. The Flu Vaccines are are updated every year to protect against the new strains of the Flu.

Reduce The Spread of Everything

To reduce the spread of the viral and bacterial infections, you should do the following:

  • Wash your hands more than you normally do.
  • Wipe down all of the surfaces with anti bacterial cleaner.
  • Keep a distance (6 foot or more) from people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • You need to be getting enough sleep to keep your immune system strong.

Credit: Medicine Plus

If you have the Winter Storm over the next few days, please stay safe and only travel if you really need too.
Love, Bee xxx

2 thoughts on “How To Handle The Snowy Weather

  1. These are great tips. If we keep your lists at hand, we will be very well prepared. Thank you for sharing. I hope you and everyone stay safe and may the storm pass by quickly ❄️☃️

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