2023 Goals and Targets

2023 is upon us which in my head is just crazy. I only launched my new blog in December 2022 and it’s already been one of the best blogs I have made. I am upping the ante for the next year in relation to content, courses and a lot more! These goals and targets will include personal, business, blog and online creating as I have so much going on in 2023. These are my 2023 Goals and Targets for the upcoming year. Let’s all smash 2023!


2022 has probably been one of the most hardest years I’ve been through in my life. I’m looking forward into making 2023 one of the best years yet. We started off homeless until July 2022 and a lot of other things. These personal goals are the things I want to achieve the most in 2023.

  1. Either rent or buy a new house outside of Lansing.
  2. Loose at least 15 pounds.
  3. Go Gluten and Lactose Free to see how much it helps me.
  4. Have my second baby which will be my first one with my husband
    • We’ve been trying to conceive since 2022 so any baby dust would be welcomed and appricated.
  5. Do my makeup and get dressed every single day.
    • I have been slacking with this in 2022 but I’m going to make sure in 2023, I will do this every single day.
  6. Have at least 2 date nights a month alone with no one else.
  7. Get my hernia fixed for the second time.
  8. Don’t let my stammer or autism stop me from whatever I want to do.
  9. Fix all the broken relationships I have with friends and family members.
  10. Find my Biological Dad.


If you subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on any of my social media’s. You will know that I’m launching my personal finance and budgeting classes and private sections out to everyone in 2023. All of my business goals will be in relation to that!

  1. Make my first 30,000 from my business.
  2. To have at least 20 clients in the first 6 months of 2023.
  3. To have at least 30 clients in the second 6 months of 2023.
  4. Launch all of my budgeting and planning printables.
  5. Attend a Business Networking Event in Michigan.
  6. Hire my first two employees.
  7. Branch out in new directions by the end of 2023.
  8. Have at least 200 subscribers to my newsletter.

Online Creating

I’ve been blogging twelve years by the end of 2023 which is crazy. This section will include my blog, social media and everything else.

  1. Get back into Daily Vlogging on my Youtube Channel.
  2. To Reach 200 Subscribers to my Youtube.
  3. Launch “No Shits Given” Podcast.
  4. Blog at least once a day for the next year.
  5. Reach 10,000 Twitter Followers.
  6. Be more active on my Instagram and Tiktok.
  7. Post at least 2 times on Tiktok Everyday.
  8. Start my Instagram Lives back up.
  9. Reach 20,000 blog views by the end of 2023.
  10. Work with at least 4 brands.

I probably have a lot more goals and targets for 2023 but I honestly can’t think of them. I will be updating this post all the time with how far I’ve come and what I need to work on. 2023 will be everyone’s year!

Love, Bee xxx

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