20 New Years Resolutions

Hey, my lovelies! 2023 is just around the corner, which is absolutely crazy. 2022 has gone with the blink of an eye and I’m just shocked with how fast it’s gone. We all know that New Years Resolutions are a really common thing and some people find it hard to come up with resolutions. Just remember: Resolutions are your own choice and it can be anything! Here are 100 Plus New Years Resolutions For You!

Build A Better Budget.
A budget is so important if you want to save money and limit what your spending. Check out my Budgeting Section for more help!

Practice Self-Care.
Self-care is so important! Whether it’s listening to music, going to bed early or getting take-out.

Try a New Recipe Once a Week.
I’m the type of person that won’t try anything new so this is 100% going to be one of my New Years Resolutions.

Read More Books.
Reading is so important for the brain!

Create a Cleaning Schedule or Plan (Weekly).
Creating this at the start of the year; will make sure you stay on top of things and everything won’t just pile up on you!

Drink Less Alcohol.
This tends to be most people’s resolution every year!

Stop Smoking/Vaping.
A bad habit that you know you should stop and this is the perfect time to do it.

Meal Prep (Weekly).
This stops all the food waste and you spending crazy money on grocery shopping.

Healthier Sleep Routine.
Have a set bedtime and stick to it. A healthy sleep routine is so important for the body.

Join some sort of club

Buy Some Plants.
Plants and Flowers can help you spruce your house or apartment up.

Plan a Vacation/Holiday.
Do you have a place that you really want to visit? Put it as a New Years Resolution to go to the place.

Drink More Water.
I know from myself that I’m one of many that don’t drink enough water. Drinking enough water is so important for your body and health.

Chill Out and Relax More.
Stop stressing and take life day by day!

Get a New Job.
If your unhappy in your current job – get a new job!

Volunteer For A Charity.
Charities are always looking for volunteers and it’s also a way to give back to your local community.

Workout More.
Workout for yourself and mental health – not just so you can look good. Your already BEAUTIFUL!

Loose Weight.
If you want to loose weight; do it! Perfect time to start.

Learn a New Skill.
Is there a skill that you’ve been wanting to try or learn? Do it!

Explore New Hobbies

Give Yourself a Makeover.
Get new clothes, new hairstyle and become the new you!

We all want 2023 to be an amazing year and one hundred times better than 2022. Don’t give up and make 2023 YOUR YEAR. We all know 2023 is going to be the year where everything is happening.

Love, Bee ox

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