Worldwide Christmas Traditions

Hello, my lovelies! Welcome to my first blog post on my new blog. I am going to try and import my past blog posts onto here. Now since it’s the second day of Blogmas, I’m continuing my journey. We’ve covered Christmas Traditions that you could do that people know about but some of these traditions are like crazy. I knew nothing about most of these. This is Worldwide Christmas Traditions!


In the country Ukraine, it is a tradition to hang a spider web shaped decorations on the Christmas tree. This is a reflection of the Ukrainian legend of the poor widow who didn’t have enough money to decorate her Christmas tree but when her kids woke up Christmas Morning, the tree was covered in webs that glistened gold and silver in the morning light.


The Spanish tradition is a dish called turrón which is a big Christmas Staple in Spain. It’s a confectionery product made from honey, egg whites, sugar and toasted almonds which is served during Christmas. The recipe dates back to the 16th century.


Japan has two traditions that I want to include. On Christmas Morning, Kids wake up to they’re presents on their pillow and a traditional Christmas Dinner for Japanese people is Fried Chicken. I know I wouldn’t mind fried chicken on Christmas as I don’t like turkey.


Ireland has a lot of Christmas traditions but this has to be one of my favorite. The origin of this tradition is that Irish Catholics would put a light or candle in the window and leave they’re doors unlocked as a sign it was safe for the priest to visit under the cover of darkness. In modern day Ireland it expresses a welcome to returning emigrants.

Other Traditions

Australia – They have Christmas in Summer in Australia. Some of there traditions include: BBQ and a party on a beach.
United Kingdom – Christmas Crackers, Christmas Pudding and Mince Pies.
Norway: Christmas means hiding your brooms and mops because they are a little suspicious and want to prevent evil spirits, who return to Earth that night, from stealing brooms and going on joyrides in the Christmas Sky.
Poland: The right time to open presents is written in the stars. The signal that the opening of presents can start is when the youngest child see’s the first star.

Love, Bee oxo

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