Sandy Hook School Shooting

The Sandy Hook shooting occurred on December 14th, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut. The death toll was 20 children between the ages 6 and 7, and six staff.The shooting was the deadliest school shootings in history and the deadliest mass shootings. It has had a profound impact on the country and has led to many changes in the way society views and deals with gun violence and mental health.


14th of December 2012

Adam Lanza, the shooter, wakes up and kills his mother, Nancy Lanza, at their home in Newtown, Connecticut.

9:30 a.m.: Lanza leaves his home and drives to the Sandy Hook Elementary School in his mother’s car.

9:35 a.m.: Lanza enters the school and begins shooting, first in the main office and then in two classrooms. He killed 20 children and six adult staff members.

9:40 a.m.: Police receive the first 911 call reporting the shooting.
9:44 a.m.: The first police officers arrive on the scene.

10:00 a.m.: The shooter is found dead in the school, apparently from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

10:30 a.m.: The first parents are reunited with their children at a nearby fire station.

15th December 2012

President Obama speaks to the nation in an address, expressing his grief and condolences to the families of the victims and the entire community of Newtown.

16th December 2012

The first funerals for the victims of the shooting take place

18th December 2012

Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy signs an executive order establishing a task force to investigate the shooting.

24th December 2012

The Sandy Hook Elementary School is permanently closed and demolished.

The Victims

  1. Charlotte Bacon, 6
  2. Daniel Barden, 7
  3. Rachel Davino, 29
  4. Olivia Engel, 6
  5. Josephine Gay, 7
  6. Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
  7. Dylan Hockley, 6
  8. Dawn Hochsprung, 47
  9. Madeleine Hsu, 6
  10. Catherine Hubbard, 6
  11. Chase Kowalski, 7
  12. Jesse Lewis, 6
  13. James Mattioli, 6
  14. Grace McDonnell, 7
  15. Anne Marie Murphy, 52
  16. Emilie Parker, 6
  17. Jack Pinto, 6
  18. Noah Pozner, 6
  19. Caroline Previdi, 6
  20. Jessica Rekos, 6
  21. Avielle Richman, 6
  22. Lauren Rousseau, 30
  23. Mary Sherlach, 56
  24. Victoria Soto, 27
  25. Benjamin Wheeler, 6
  26. Allison Wyatt, 6

Why Did He Shoot Up A School?

The exact motivation behind the Sandy Hook shooting remains unclear. Adam Lanza, the shooter, did not leave a note or any other form of explanation for his actions. However, based on the information that has been made public, it is believed that he suffered from a mental illness, possibly a form of autism or Asperger’s syndrome, and had a history of social isolation and difficulty with relationships.

Reports indicate that Lanza had a preoccupation with mass shootings and a fascination with violence. He had also expressed a desire to kill people, and had reportedly been planning the shooting for some time.

It is also reported that Lanza had a difficult relationship with his mother, Nancy Lanza, and that her death may have been a factor in his decision to commit the shooting.

It’s worth noting that the investigation into the shooter’s motives and mental state is ongoing and it’s important to rely on credible sources for information.

It’s important to understand that the vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent and the relationship between mental illness and violence is complex. It is important not to stigmatize people with mental illness as a result of this tragic event.

The Sandy Hook Promise

The Sandy Hook Promise is a non-profit organization that was formed in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting. The organization was founded by several parents of the victims of the shooting, with the goal of preventing gun violence and promoting mental health and wellness.

3 Main Areas

Gun violence prevention: The organization works to reduce the risk of gun violence through education and advocacy. They advocate for common-sense gun laws, such as universal background checks, and provide training programs to help educators and students recognize and respond to warning signs of gun violence.

Mental health and wellness: The organization promotes mental health and wellness by providing resources and support for individuals and families dealing with mental health issues. They also offer training programs to help educators and students recognize and respond to signs of mental health concerns.

Community engagement: The organization engages with the community to raise awareness about gun violence and mental health, and to promote social and emotional learning. They also work with community leaders and organizations to create a culture of safety and support.

Sandy Hook Promise also offers a variety of programs and resources for schools, parents, and community organizations.

Know the Signs: A series of programs that teach students, educators, and parents how to recognize the signs of gun violence and mental health concerns, and how to respond to them. The organization’s mission is to protect children from gun violence by providing programs and resources that educate and empower youth, adults, and communities.

Say Something: An anonymous reporting system that allows students, educators, and parents to report potential threats of violence or mental health concerns.

Start With Hello: A program that teaches students how to reach out to and include their peers who may be socially isolated.

Parents Promise: A campaign that encourages parents to make a promise to their children to help protect them from gun violence.

Love, Bee xxx

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