My Christmas Wish List

Hey, my lovelies! I’m here today to give you all a look at what I would like on Christmas in an ideal world. Whatever I put on this list, I don’t expect anyone to buy me and it’s just stuff I would like to get. This is if the world wasn’t going through a cost of living crisis and a lot more. This is My Christmas Wish List from a number of different stores and it may give you some idea’s on what to buy for people that you get gifts for.

iPhone 14 Pro Max

I’m currently using an iPhone XR that I’ve had two years. I really need an upgrade because my phone is really slow and I need a better camera for my work. This retails at $1099 for the lowest gigabyte on the Apple website. You can check out the iPhone 14 Pro Max Here. In reality, I need this for work and I’ll be working towards it in the New Year.

HP Envy 17.3″ Laptop

To follow on the work route, I need a better laptop as I’m using a Chromebook for my blog, podcast and everything else in between. I know someone with this laptop and I’m in love with it. This is also something that I really need and want at the same time. This retails at $1,299.99 at Best Buy. You can check out the HP Envy Laptop Here.

Fitbit Sense 2 Lunar

I struggle a lot with low blood pressure and I’ve been struggling with it a lot recently. I also really want to get fit and a Fitbit seems like the motivation that I need. The Fitbit Sense 2 Lunar Edition is retailed at $199.99 at Khols. You can check the Fitbit Sense 2 at Khols Here.


  • Bathrobe: I used to live in a bathrobe and I don’t have one in the United States. It gets 10 times colder here and I’m missing one like crazy.
  • Make-Up: I’m trying to rebuild my makeup collection as I’m starting from scratch again. Any makeup products would do me perfectly.
  • Starbucks Gift Card: I’m addicted to Starbucks. This is the way to my heart as with the cost of everything going up. This is something that I had to reduce a lot.

Love, Bee xxx

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