50 Facts About Me

I don’t think I’ve actually introduced myself properly and what better way to get to know me than learning facts about me. I’m quite straight forward and what you see is basically what you get. I’m pretty upfront about myself and I’ve learned not to be ashamed about myself. With that said here are 50 Facts About Me that you may or may not already depending on how much you know me!

  1. I am 29 years old (Born 22nd of August) in Dublin, Ireland.
  2. I moved to a small village in Kildare at the age of 10 years old.
  3. I have been diagnosed with Autism, Dyspraxia and Add during my childhood.
  4. I have been a bar maid, stable hand and deli worker when I worked in Ireland.
  5. I only started drinking and smoking when I was in my twenties.
  6. I’ve been in three proper relationships in total.
  7. I have a four year old daughter called Willow.
  8. I am a qualified horse riding instructor with the British Horse Society.
  9. I have been to college and university to study Business Administration, Personal Finance, Bookkeeping and Payroll, and Digital/Social Media Marketing.
  10. I have been blogging since 2011 on and off.
  11. I am addicted to cheese. I could live off it and not eat anything else in my life.
  12. I have a hiatus hernia, tension migraines, GERD and IBS.
  13. I am terrified of heights, dying and spiders.
  14. I got married to my husband in 2021 (New Years Eve). I met him on Instagram and came over to Michigan in December 2021.
  15. I will never be vegetarian or vegan as I love meat and dairy too much.
  16. The first concert I ever went to was Westlife and the last concert I’ve been to is One Direction.
  17. I hate my name.
  18. My bad habit has to be falling asleep once a movie gets turned on.
  19. My favorite movies includes Dirty Dancing, Grease and Titanic.
  20. The first movie that I seen in the cinema was My Girl.
Me and Willow
  1. I hate doing dishes and I think that everywhere should have a dishwasher.
  2. My favorite color is either Baby Pink or Baby Blue.
  3. I could never eat Biscuits and Gravy.
  4. I’m 420 friendly and use cannabis for medical purposes.
  5. I’m the worst sick person – I literally turn into a baby.
  6. I graduated from high school (secondary school) in 2012.
  7. I’m always early for everything because I hate being late.
  8. I’m big into True Crime – I could watch documentaries every single day, all day.
  9. I’m very motivated to start my own business – stay tuned in January!
  10. I’ve been nominated for two Irish Blog Awards at the start of my blogging journey. I was long listed for two and short listed for one.
Myself and My Husband
  1. I hate water and cannot drink plain water.
  2. I cannot click my fingers.
  3. I hate feet and always wear socks no matter what.
  4. The only book’s I’ve read by choice are Anne Franks Diary and PS I love You.
  5. I have a Redbone Coonhound x Pitt called Moose who is 4 years old.
  6. I’m big into budgeting and saving money when shopping.
  7. I cannot sleep on my back if I’m flat.
  8. I used to do Salsa and Tap Dancing in my younger days.
  9. My Zodiac Sign is Leo.
  10. My Favorite animals are Elephants and Horses.
  1. The celebrity I have the biggest crush on is Chris Hemsworth.
  2. I can fall asleep in less than 2 minutes of my head hitting the pillow.
  3. I have survived through Domestic Violence.
  4. One of my favorite places that I have visited is Bruges in Belgium.
  5. I have one sister and one brother who are both younger than me.
  6. I could not live without my phone, it’s like my right hand.
  7. I am right handed but I can write with both of my hands.
  8. Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year but Spring is my favorite season of the year.
  9. I always get ID’d – no matter what I buy.
  10. My biggest fashion accessory that I couldn’t live without is a Beanie Hat or Fluffy Socks.
Myself and My Aunt
  1. I have had my ear lobes pierced four times as I always let it close.
  2. I have naturally brown hair but I dye my hair red.
  3. I have had 2 operations but I have been sedated numerous amount of times.
  4. I have no appendix or stomach muscle wall anymore.
  5. My favorite flowers are Roses, Poppys and Lillys.
  6. I’m Gluten and Lactose Intolerant but I still eat them both.
  7. I wear glasses and will never wear contacts.
  8. I’m algegerric to morphine.
  9. Yahtzee is one of my favorite games ever.
  10. Jennifer Lopez blocked my old Twitter account.

Hopefully you know me a bit more now!

Love, Bee ox

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